
The Sacred Conversation: The Art of Catholic Preaching and The New Evangelization is unavailable, but you can change that!

In The Sacred Conversation Father Joseph Mele analyzes the state of Catholic preaching, determining that quality is in decline and that most Catholics are dissatisfied. Mele examines the importance of engaging homilies, addresses the challenges priests face, and offers a resolution for what it will take to form priests who can preach effectively to the Church today. This book is a valuable...

is what every Catholic sees at every Sunday Mass: A consecrated, celibate man—a priest—worshipping God in liturgical chant, incensing God’s altar, and praying above that altar, which should contain underneath or within it the relics of a martyr or saint. What John hears should sound equally familiar. First, there are the antiphonal chants: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty”; “To him who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever”; “Salvation belongs
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